Digital Austin Papers, Andrew Torget; Debbie Liles (ed.), 2016. (Last Accessed: 14.03.2024). Reviewed by Ruth Sander (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften), || Abstract: The digital edition Digital Austin Papers (DAP) collects the correspondence of Stephen F. Austin and a …

Digital Austin Papers Read more »

Friedrich Dürrenmatt – Das Stoffe-Projekt, Rudolf Probst und Ulrich Weber (ed.), 2021-2022. (Last Accessed: 08.08.2022). Reviewed by Nadine Sutor (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), || Abstract: The Stoffe-project is a text-genetic hybrid edition that digitally processes and presents the works …

Friedrich Dürrenmatts Stoffe-Projekt als digitale Edition Read more »

Digitale Edition und Kommentierung der Tagebücher des Fürsten Christian II. von Anhalt-Bernburg (1599-1656), Ronald G. Asch und Peter Burschel (ed.), 2013-. (Last Accessed: 10.08.2022). Reviewed by Selina Galka (Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz), || Abstract: This review examines …

Digitale Edition und Kommentierung der Tagebücher des Fürsten Christian II. von Anhalt-Bernburg (1599–1656) Read more »

Transkribus, University of Innsbruck and READ-COOP SCE (ed.), 2019. (Last Accessed: 10.12.2021). Reviewed by Elpida Perdiki (Democritus University of Thrace), || Abstract: Transkribus is a fully developed GUI (graphical user interface) platform offering (among others) the possibility to …

Transkribus: Reviewing HTR training on (Greek) manuscripts Read more »

Decameron Web, Michael Papio, Massimo Riva (ed.), 1995. (Last Accessed: 15.06.2021). Reviewed by Eleonora Peruch (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna), || Abstract: Decameron Web (DW) offers an online digital edition of Boccaccio’s Decameron both in Italian and …

Decameron Web Read more »

CoReMA: Cooking Recipes of the Middle Ages, Helmut W. Klug (ed.), 2020-2022. (Last Accessed: 31.04.2021). Reviewed by Helena Bermúdez Sabel (Université de Neuchâtel), || Abstract: CoReMa, Cooking Recipes of the Middle Ages is an ongoing project whose method …

Reviewing the bread and butter of CoReMa, Cooking Recipes of the Middle Ages Read more »

Litteraturbanken, Mats Malm, Cai Alfredson, Dick Claésson, Paulina Helgesson, Anja Hellström, Carl-Johan Lind, Ellen Mattson, Ljubica Miočević, Therese Röök, Ilaria Tedde (ed.), 2004ff.. (Last Accessed: 27.07.2017). Reviewed by Mats Dahlström (University of Borås), mats.dahlstrom (at) and Wout Dillen …

Litteraturbanken: the Swedish Literature Bank Read more »

“La Repubblica” Corpus, Marco Baroni, Silvia Bernardini, Sara Castagnoli, Federica Comastri, Lorenzo Piccioni, Alessandra Volpi, Guy Aston, Marco Mazzoleni, Eros Zanchetta (ed.), 2004ff.. (Last Accessed: 01.08.2017). Reviewed by Rebecca Sierig (University of Leipzig), rebecca.sierig (at) || Abstract This …

“La Repubblica” Corpus Read more »