Issue 17: Scholarly Editions (FAIR criteria)

Edited by Tessa Gengnagel, Frederike Neuber, and Daniela Schulz. May 2023 – May 2024. DOI: 10.18716/ride.a.17.

The work on this issue was performed by members of the task area ‘editions’ in the consortium Text+ of the National Research Data Infrastructure funded by the German Research Foundation (project number 460033370). For more information see the editorial of the previous issue and a poster on the collaboration of Text+ and RIDE presented at the Text+ plenary meeting 2022.

Die Tagebücher von Andreas Okopenko (1949–1954)

Die Tagebücher von Andreas Okopenko (1949–1954)

Okopenko, Andreas: Tagebücher 1949–1954. Digitale Edition (Version 2.0) , Roland Innerhofer, Bernhard Fetz, Christian Zolles, Laura Tezarek, Arno Herberth, Desiree Hebenstreit, Holger Englerth, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek und Universität Wien (ed.), 2019. (Last Accessed: 16.08.2022). Reviewed by Kerstin Manninger (Universität Wien), || Abstract: The publication of Andreas Okopenko’s diaries from 1949 to 1954 is a digital edition that includes carefully transcribed diary entries with thoughtful and transparent, although not always easily accessible, editing guidelines. The presentation of the digital edition offers ...
Friedrich Dürrenmatts Stoffe-Projekt als digitale Edition

Friedrich Dürrenmatts Stoffe-Projekt als digitale Edition

Friedrich Dürrenmatt - Das Stoffe-Projekt , Rudolf Probst und Ulrich Weber (ed.), 2021-2022. (Last Accessed: 08.08.2022). Reviewed by Nadine Sutor (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), || Abstract: The Stoffe -project is a text-genetic hybrid edition that digitally processes and presents the works of the Swiss writer Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921–1990). The estate is part of the founding inventory of the Swiss Literary Archives (SLA), where it has been indexed since 1991, one year after Dürrenmatt’s death, and initially digitally processed in a preliminary version. This served as the scientific basis for the five-volume print e...
Europäische Religionsfrieden Digital

Europäische Religionsfrieden Digital

Europäische Religionsfrieden Digital , Dingel, Irene and Stäcker Thomas; Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte Mainz/ULB Darmstadt (ed.), 2020-. (Last Accessed: 18.01.2023). Reviewed by Tobias Hodel (Universität Bern), and Peter Dängeli (Universität Bern), || Abstract: The project European Religious Peace Agreements - A Digital Edition (EuReD) is a long-term project in the Academies’ Program of the Union of German Academies, which focuses on the period after the European religious wars and is based on various already existing editions. It aims to lay the foundation for further research in religious studies, cultural...
Digital Austin Papers

Digital Austin Papers

Digital Austin Papers , Andrew Torget; Debbie Liles (ed.), 2016. (Last Accessed: 14.03.2024). Reviewed by Ruth Sander (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften), || Abstract: The digital edition Digital Austin Papers (DAP) collects the correspondence of Stephen F. Austin and a selection of key associates from the 1820s and 1830s. It provides valuable insight into the changes occurring in the Texas borderlands during the early 19th century, both politically and socially. DAP offers full-text views of the collection of letters and two methods to download their TEI/XML files. Great emphasis is placed on browsing and search...
Gottfried Semper: Der Stil – Eine Edition im Aufbau

Gottfried Semper: Der Stil – Eine Edition im Aufbau

Gottfried Semper | Der Stil | Digitale Edition , Philip Ursprung, Sonja Hildebrand (ed.), 2021 (?). (Last Accessed: 03.04.2024). Reviewed by Sandra König (Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina), || Abstract: This review describes the Semper-Edition in its current version of March 2024, when work on the edition is at its midpoint of a projected 12-year processing time. Nevertheless, it seems suitable to review this resource at this point as it gives valuable insight into what constitutes good usability when going online at an early production stage. The edition encompasses Gottfried Sempers (1803–1879) opus magnum De...