Issue 10: Scholarly Editions (Correspondence)

Editor: Stefan Dumont
Managing Editors: Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Frederike Neuber
Technical Editor: Bernhard Assmann

June 2019

Erich Mendelsohn Archiv (EMA)

Erich Mendelsohn Archiv (EMA)

EMA – Erich Mendelsohn Archiv. Der Briefwechsel von Erich und Luise Mendelsohn 1910–1953 , Andreas Bienert, Wim de Wit (ed.), 2010–2014. (Last Accessed: 14.01.2019). Reviewed by Anna Busch (Theodor-Fontane-Archiv, Universität Potsdam), || Abstract: The Erich Mendelsohn Archiv (EMA), which sees itself first and foremost as an "online database" and "archive" and only in a second step as a "digital edition", is a cooperative collection development of the correspondence between the architect Erich Mendelsohn and his wife Luise. The estate has been divided for many decades: While the 1410 letters of Erich Mendelsohn together with his sk...
Review of Mark Twain's                     Letters, 1853–1880 of the Mark Twain Project Online

Review of Mark Twain's Letters, 1853–1880 of the Mark Twain Project Online

Mark Twain's Letters, 1853–1880 , Edgar Marquess Branch, Michael B. Frank, Kenneth M. Sanderson, Harriet Elinor Smith, Richard Bucci, Victor Fischer, Lin Salamo, Sharon K. Goetz (ed.), 1988-2010.;rmode=landing_letters;style=mtp (Last Accessed: 12.01.2018). Reviewed by Elise Hanrahan (Freie Universität Berlin), || Abstract: The Mark Twain Project Online (MTPO) provides digital critical editions of Mark Twain’s writings for the purpose of scholarly study. The edition project creates a foundation for in-depth research on Mark Twain’s person and texts, as well as contributes greatly to this research itself...
Mozart Briefe und Dokumente – Online Edition

Mozart Briefe und Dokumente – Online Edition

Mozart Briefe und Dokumente -- Online-Edition Mozart Briefe und Dokumente -- Online-Edition , Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg und Packard Humanities Institute (ed.), 2006. (Last Accessed: 07.05.2018). Reviewed by Maja Hartwig (Independent Scholar), maja.hartwig (at) || Abstract The Salzburg Mozarteum Foundation in cooperation with the Packard Humanities Institute, Los Altos (California) has digitized historical letters and documents of the Mozart family. The goal of the project is the online publication of all letters and documents related...
Bridging edition and corpus: a review of P. S. Post Scriptum: A Digital Archive of Ordinary Writing (Early Modern Portugal and Spain)

Bridging edition and corpus: a review of P. S. Post Scriptum: A Digital Archive of Ordinary Writing (Early Modern Portugal and Spain)

P. S. Post Scriptum , CLUL (ed.), 2014. (Last Accessed: 22.01.2019). Reviewed by Ulrike Henny-Krahmer (Universität Würzburg), || Abstract: The project P. S. Post Scriptum (2012–2017) was aimed at the collection, edition, and analysis of Spanish and Portuguese private letters from the 16th to the early 19th century. As a result, a digital text collection and edition of the letters is presented on the project website. P. S. Post Scriptum can be classified both as a scholarly edition and a diachronic linguistic corpus and can be considered pioneer work in combining procedures from textual criticism together with the...
Rezension der „Alfred-Escher-Briefedition“

Rezension der „Alfred-Escher-Briefedition“

Alfred Escher-Briefedition , Joseph Jung (ed.), 2015. (Last Accessed: 22.05.2018). Reviewed by Dominik Kasper (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz), || Abstract: Based on letters from politician and industrialist Alfred Escher (1819–1882), an important protagonist of Modern Swiss history, and his correspondents, the Alfred Escher-Briefedition offers central insight into the economic and political history of Switzerland during the 19th century. At the same time, it reflects the personal development of Alfred Escher himself. Most of the letters, which he sent or which were addressed to him, are b...