Suggested Projects for Review
We are very interested in reviews of the following projects (but of course you can also suggest a project that is not on this list). If you would like to contribute to RIDE, please contact the managing editors at ride-editor (at) For projects that are already under review, see here.
Digital Scholarly Editions
- Martha Berry Digital Archive
- BurckhardtSource
- Hermann Burger: Lokalbericht
- The Diplomatic Correspondence of Thomas Bodley, 1585-1597
- Early Holocaust Testimony
- Early Stuart Libels
- The Winnifred Eaton Archive
- Editio Critica Maior (ECM) im New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room
- Erdmuthe, digitale Edition
- Ernst Haeckel. Online-Briefedition
- Philipp Hainhofer. Reiseberichte & Sammlungsbeschreibungen 1594–1636
- Alexander von Humboldt – Sämtliche Schriften Digital
- Leigh Hunt Letters
- The Charles Harpur Critical Archive (CHCA)
- Der Botaniker Carl Haussknecht
- Der arme Heinrich – digital
- Karlstadt Edition
- Keltische Götternamen in den Inschriften der römischen Provinz Germania Inferior
- Karl Kraus 1933: Dritte Walpurgisnacht
- Glossae in Martianum
- The Diary of Mary Martin
- Ministerratsprotokolle [der Regierungen der Habsburgermonarchie] 1848-1918
- Ulrich Richental: Die Chronik des Konzils von Konstanz (Monumenta Germaniae Historica)
- Digital Edition of Fernando Pessoa, Projects and Publications
- Fernando Pessoa: Fausto: uma existência digital
- Proceedings of the Old Bailey
- schleiermacher digital – Briefwechsel, Tageskalender, Vorlesungen von Friedrich Schleiermacher 1808–1834
- Selbstzeugnisse der Frühen Neuzeit in der Herzog August Bibliothek
- Gottfried Semper – Der Stil
- Die Sozinianischen Briefwechsel: Zwischen Theologie, frühmoderner Naturwissenschaft und politischer Korrespondenz
- Spenser and the Tradition: English Poetry
- The SpokenWeb Digital Anthology
- Johann Georg Sulzer – Johann Jakob Bodmer: Briefwechsel. Online-Edition
- Svea-Pommern: Karten und Texte der schwedischen Landesaufnahme von Pommern 1692-1709
- The Walt Whitman Archive
- Karl Wiesinger: Digitale Edition der Tagebücher (1961-1973)
- Wittgensteins Neffe
- Wittgenstein Source
You may also take a look at the catalog of digital editions by Greta Franzini or the catalog of digital editions by Patrick Sahle, which aim to provide (necessarily uncomplete) lists of digital scholarly editions available to date.
Digital Text Collections
- Alcide.Un viaggio negli scritti di De Gasperi
- Austrian Baroque Corpus (ABaC:us)
- Archimedes Digital Research Library
- Archivo Digital de Manuscritos y Textos Españoles (ADmyte)
- Biblioteca Digital de Emblemática Hispánica / Biblioteca Digital de Libros de Emblemas Traducidos al Español
- Biblioteca Saavedra Fajardo de pensamiento político hispánico
- Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
- Catálogo y Biblioteca Digital de Relaciones de Sucesos
- Centro de Documentacion de los Movimientos Armados (Cedema)
- Corpus CHARTA
- Corpus de documentos Españoles Anteriores a 1800 (CODEA+2015)
- Corpus of Literary Modernism (KOLIMO; beta)
- Digital Library in TextGrid
- DISCO: Diachronic Spanish Sonnet Corpus
- Dortmunder Chat-Korpus
- Early English Books Online
- Long-term Access and Usage of Deeply Annotated Information (LAUDATIO)
- Old Bailey Online
- Ras Shamra Tablet Inventory (RSTI)
- Repertorium digitaler Quellen zur österreichischen und deutschen Rechtsgeschichte in der Frühen Neuzeit
- Roman Inscriptions of Britain
- Teatro de Autores Portugueses do Século XVI and Teatro de Autores Portugueses do Século XVII
More text collections can be found on dedicated lists and in catalogs, for example:
- “Atlas de Datos”, edited by José Calvo Tello
- “Korpora und Textdatenbanken” on the Wiki Textdaten Romanistik
- “Korpora” by the Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- “Language Resource Inventory” by CLARIN
- “Textkorpora im Internet” on
Tools and Environments for Digital Scholarly Editing
For projects that are already under review, see here. The following list is merely alphabetically and not comprehensive:
- Annotation Studio <>
- Apache OpenNLP <>
- CATview <>
- Classical Text Editor <>
- CorrespSearch <>
- CWRC-Writer <>
- ekdosis – Typesetting TEI xml Compliant Critical Editions
- ecdosis <>
- eLaborate <>
- EFES (EpiDoc Front End Services)
- FreeLing 4.0 <>
- FromThePage <>
- FuD <>
- heiEDITIONS <>
- Image Markup Tool <>
- InCritApp – Interactive Critical Apparatus
- Isilex <>
- Kiln <>
- LombardPress <>
- ManuscriptDesk <>
- MOM-CA <>
- New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room (NTVMR) <>
- PhiloEditor <>
- Scripto <>
- Stanford NLP <>
- T-Pen <>
- Textual Communities <>
- TextGrid <>
- Pundit <>
- Transcribo <>
- Versioning Machine <>
- Zooniverse <>
More Digital Tools and Environments can be found on dedicated lists and in catalogs, for example:
- SSH Open Marketplace (search e.g. for “digital edition”),
- TEI-Wiki Editing Tools <> ( last modified on 2015-02-20)