Issue 15: Tools and Environments

Edited by Anna-Maria Sichani and Elena Spadini. December 2022 – September 2023. DOI: 10.18716/ride.a.15.

Digital Mappa – Simple and Web-based Annotations

Digital Mappa – Simple and Web-based Annotations

Digital Mappa – Simple and Web-based Annotations , (unclear, not properly defined) University of Wisconsin - Madison’s Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture (ed.), 14.07.2022. (Last Accessed: 14.11.2022). Reviewed by Tobias Hodel (University of Bern),, Anna Janka (University of Bern), and Jonas Widmer (University of Bern), || Abstract: How does Digital Mappa, a browser-based annotation tool, fit into the current landscape of Virtual Research Environments? How is an intuitive WYSIWYG graphical user interface suited for simple (scholarly) editions and image-text rep...
Mei‑friend. A viewer and last-mile editor for MEI score encodings

Mei‑friend. A viewer and last-mile editor for MEI score encodings

mei-friend , Werner Goebl, David M. Weigl (trompamusic) (ed.), 2021. (Last Accessed: 06.02.2022). Reviewed by Oleksii Sapov (Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg), || Abstract: Mei‑friend, a free and open-source package for the Atom text editor, enables convenient and fast rendering of music encoded in the format of the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) including some important navigation and display options. Furthermore, it provides various functionalities for graphical editing of MEI code using rendered music notation. Mei‑friend is primarily aimed at musicologists, librarians, musicians and music enthusiasts. Users are req...
Stylo, un éditeur pour les sciences humaines et sociales

Stylo, un éditeur pour les sciences humaines et sociales

Stylo , Chaire de Recherche du Canada sur les écritures numériques (CRC-EN) (ed.), 2018. (Last Accessed: 17.10.2022). Reviewed by Estelle Debouy (Université de Poitiers), || Abstract: Stylo is an open source online text editor designed to allow researchers in the humanities and social sciences to write their scientific papers in a straightforward way while retaining full control over format and encoding. The source-text, encoded in Markdown, can then be converted by Pandoc into a variety of formats. The documents can also be viewed online through a permanent URL. Finally, Stylo features document sharing functions that make co...
TEI Critical Apparatus Toolbox: Web-based tools for ongoing XML-TEI editions

TEI Critical Apparatus Toolbox: Web-based tools for ongoing XML-TEI editions

TEI Critical Apparatus Toolbox , Marjorie Burghart (ed.), 2014-2021. (Last Accessed: 20.12.2021). Reviewed by Bastien Dumont (Université de Lorraine), || Abstract: Despite the flexibility that a TEI-based workflow offers for preparing editions based on collating several manuscripts, textual scholars working with XML-TEI edition files face a lack of domain-specific auxiliary tools. The TEI-CAT partially fills this gap by providing interfaces for visualizing the transcription of different manuscripts and for exploring the encoded variations and detecting common mistakes. While not properly supporting several types of textual ...
TEITOK, a visual solution for XML/TEI encoding: editing, annotating and hosting linguistic corpora

TEITOK, a visual solution for XML/TEI encoding: editing, annotating and hosting linguistic corpora

TEITOK , Maarten Janssen (ed.), 2014. (Last Accessed: 24.10.2022). Reviewed by Pilar Arrabal Rodríguez (Universidad de Granada), || Abstract: TEITOK is a web-based system designed to bring scholarly editing and computational linguistics together with the purpose of creating and hosting online language corpora. The system offers a visually attractive environment for digital editing based on the XML/TEI standard. TEITOK consists of automatic processes for carrying out many linguistic text processing tasks and functions. It boasts an intuitive interface via which researchers and corpus creators, who are not always computer literate, ...
Transkribus: Reviewing HTR training on (Greek) manuscripts

Transkribus: Reviewing HTR training on (Greek) manuscripts

Transkribus , University of Innsbruck and READ-COOP SCE (ed.), 2019. (Last Accessed: 10.12.2021). Reviewed by Elpida Perdiki (Democritus University of Thrace), || Abstract: Transkribus is a fully developed GUI (graphical user interface) platform offering (among others) the possibility to train HTR models with AI. It supports auto-transcription and searching of historical documents and is oriented towards Archives, Libraries, and researchers. This review describes most of Transkribus’ features by outlining the results of a project researching HTR on Greek manuscripts. Transkribus proves to be a useful solution for painlessly implementing s...
LAKomp. Lemmatize, annotate and compare texts in non-standardized languages

LAKomp. Lemmatize, annotate and compare texts in non-standardized languages

LAKomp , Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (ed.), 2015. (Last Accessed: 21.07.2021). Reviewed by Barbara Aehnlich (University of Bremen), and Elisabeth Witzenhausen (Ruhr-University Bochum), || Abstract: LAKomp is a semi-automatic web-based tool developed for the annotation and comparison of historical, non-standardized texts. In contrast to other tools, LAKomp does not automate annotation but makes manual annotation simple and fast offering a semi-automatic tagging feature and a simple interface. Therefore, the tool is especially useful for scholars of the Humanities. An alignment view ...