Issue 12: Scholarly Editions (Correspondence)

Editor: Stefan Dumont
Managing Editors: Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Frederike Neuber
Technical Editor: Bernhard Assmann

Published: July 2020

Briefe und Texte aus dem intellektuellen Berlin um 1800

Briefe und Texte aus dem intellektuellen Berlin um 1800

Briefe und Texte aus dem intellektuellen Berlin um 1800 , Anne Baillot (ed.), 2011-2017. (Last Accessed: 09.05.2020). Reviewed by Sascha Grabsch (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities), || Abstract: The digital edition “Briefe und Texte aus dem intellektuellen Berlin um 1800” collects letters and texts depicting the intellectual life of the early 19th century Berlin. The transcribed letters and texts are diligently edited and richly annotated with metadata and enriched with authority control data. While an edition specific TEI-XML schema is missing, great effort is made to make the editorial work transparent and...
Darwin Correspondence Project

Darwin Correspondence Project

Darwin Correspondence Project , James Andrew Secord (director), Alison Pearn (associate director), Samantha Evans, Shelley Innes, Francis Neary (et al.) (ed.), 1985ff. (Last Accessed: 23.11.2019). Reviewed by Sabine Seifert (Theodor Fontane Archive, University of Potsdam), || Abstract: Charles Darwin’s correspondences are an invaluable resource for understanding his theories and works as well as English social life of the 19th century. About 15,000 letters are known, of which many appear for the first time in this hybrid print and digital edition of the Darwin Correspondence Project . It presents an authoritative e...
Briefwechsel Sauer-Seuffert. A ‘Web Platform’ for a Scholars Correspondence (on Editions, among other things)

Briefwechsel Sauer-Seuffert. A ‘Web Platform’ for a Scholars Correspondence (on Editions, among other things)

Briefwechsel Sauer-Seuffert , Bernhard Fetz, Desiree Hebenstreit, Marcel Illetschko, Hans Harald Müller, Mirko Nottscheid (ed.), 2015. (Last Accessed: 05.11.2019). Reviewed by Stephan Kurz (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies), || Abstract: The “web platform” for the correspondence between August Sauer and Bernhard Seuffert offers facsimiles and transcriptions of 436 letters, 811 post cards and one telegram exchanged by two eminent German studies scholars between 7th of July, 1880 and 2nd of September, 1926 (two weeks before August Sauer’s death in Prague), with varying...
Die offene Editionswerkstatt: Carl Maria von Webers Briefe in der digitalen WeGA

Die offene Editionswerkstatt: Carl Maria von Webers Briefe in der digitalen WeGA

Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe. Digitale Edition: Briefe , Joachim Veit und Peter Stadler (ed.), 2011. (Last Accessed: 02.06.2020). Reviewed by Torsten Roeder (Leopoldina), || Abstract: This review focuses on the digital edition of correspondence by the German composer Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826). In addition to his famous opera "Der Freischütz" and a huge repertory of other esteemed compositions, Weber left behind a vast number of documents that help to understand his musical works and the musical culture of the early Romantic period. The complete edition of Weber's works and documents, "WeGA" for short, has ...
Review of the Busoni Digital Edition

Review of the Busoni Digital Edition

Ferruccio Busoni – Briefe und Schriften , Ullrich Scheidler and Christian Schaper (ed.), 2016-2018. (Last Accessed: 06.02.2020). Reviewed by Theodor Costea (Independent scholar), || Abstract: Ferruccio Busoni – Briefe und Schriften is a digital scholarly edition of letters and other writings from the literary estate of the Italian composer Ferruccio Busoni (1866-1924). It aims to transcribe and richly encode these documents as well as publish them along with a critical apparatus and digital facsimiles. The project is currently work in progress – at the moment of this review – and successfully functions as a community project...