Issue 18: Scholarly Editions
Edited by Ulrike Henny-Krahmer and Martina Scholger. September 2023 – December 2023. DOI: 10.18716/ride.a.18.
A synergistic approach to non-narrative historical sources. The database and digital edition of the Spängler household account books, 1733–1785
The account books of the Salzburg merchant family Spängler from 1733 to 1785 – digital , Reinhold Reith; Georg Stöger (ed.), 2020. (Last Accessed: 21.07.2022). Reviewed by Werner Scheltjens (University of Bamberg), ||
The household account books of the Salzburg merchant family Spängler cover an exceptionally long period and constitute a unique source for the history of consumption in Central Europe in the eighteenth century. This review assesses the diplomatic and database edition that was published by the University of Salzburg and partners in 2020. The review focuses on the synergies that the ...
Der Sturm
DER STURM. Digitale Quellenedition zur Geschichte der internationalen Avantgarde , Marjam Trautmann, Torsten Schrade, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz (ed.), 2018. (Last Accessed: 26.07.2023). Reviewed by Lisa Dieckmann (Universität zu Köln), ||
This paper reviews the digital edition Der Sturm – Digitale Quellenedition zur Geschichte der internationalen Avantgarde , which aims to bring together all existing digital sources on the STURM company, to make them accessible and to link them with each other. Initiated by Herwarth Walden by founding the STURM magazine for contemporary art, the STURM com...
Paolo Bufalini’s Notebook
Paolo Bufalini, Appunti (1981-1991) [Edizione scientifica digitale semantica] , Daquino, Marilena, Martina Dello Buono, Francesca Giovannetti, and Francesca Tomasi (ed.), 2020. (Last Accessed: 13.01.2022). Reviewed by Luisa Ammirati (Università di Bologna), ||
Paolo Bufalini’s Notebook (from here on PBN) is a critical edition of the personal notebook that the Italian politician and intellectual Paolo Bufalini held from 1981 to 1991. The edition offers the opportunity to plunge into the flow of thoughts of a man of the twentieth century who reflects on philosophy, poetry, and politics. The methodical go...
Furnace and Fugue. A multimedia edition of Michael Maier’s Atalanta fugiens
Furnace and Fugue. A Digital Edition of Michael Maier’s Atalanta Fugiens (1618) with Scholarly Commentary , Tara Nummedal and Donna Bilak (ed.), 2020. (Last Accessed: 13.06.2022). Reviewed by Sarah Lang (University of Graz), ||
Furnace and Fugue is a digital edition of Michael Maier’s (1568–1622) opus magnum , the emblem book Atalanta fugiens (1618a ) in which Latin and German texts are paired with images and musical fugues in an enigmatic way to engage users of the book in deep meditation on alchemical subjects. The digital edition of the text itself, including an English translation based on a 17th century manus...
Catullus Online
Catullus Online , Dàniel Kiss (ed.), 2013. (Last Accessed: 14.05.2022). Reviewed by Martina Pensalfini (Università di Bologna), ||
Catullus Online , a collection of the author’s poems and a repository of the conjectures collected through the centuries, was published by Dániel Kiss with the support of the Abteilung für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, in 2013. Kiss faced many difficulties in the creation of such a resource, both from a technical standpoint and from the inner complexity of the philological tradition behind ...