Issue 6: Text Collections

Edited by Ulrike Henny-Krahmer and Frederike Neuber. September 2017. DOI: 10.18716/ride.a.6.

EDITORIAL: Reviewing Digital Text Collections

EDITORIAL: Reviewing Digital Text Collections

By Ulrike Henny-Krahmer (Universität Würzburg), ulrike.henny (at) and Frederike Neuber (University of Cologne), neuber (at) || 1 We are pleased to present the sixth issue of the Review Journal for Digital Editions and Resources (RIDE), published by the IDE since 2014, which is at the same time the first issue on Digital Text Collections (DTC). We generally define DTCs as digital resources that involve the collecting, structuring and enrichment of textual data and include in this definition DTCs from various humanities disciplines such as Literary Studies, Linguistics and History. Motivation and scope 2 From the beginning, RIDE has been conceived not only a...
CELT - Corpus of Electronic texts

CELT - Corpus of Electronic texts

CELT - Corpus of Electronic texts , Hiram Morgan (ed.), 1997. (Last Accessed: 31.05.2017). Reviewed by Turlough O'Riordan (Royal Irish Academy), t.oriordan (at) || Abstract This review addresses the ‘CELT - Corpus of Electronic texts’ archive, developed and housed at University College Cork, Ireland. CELT is a digital humanities archive – and arguably a scholarly platform – comprising 1600 documents. An account of its piecemeal historical evolution, spanning the emergence of the Digital Humanities in Ireland, is given in this review. It contextualises the range of content (documents, editions, works), for the most part digital representations based on TEI,...
Litteraturbanken: the Swedish Literature Bank

Litteraturbanken: the Swedish Literature Bank

Litteraturbanken , Mats Malm, Cai Alfredson, Dick Claésson, Paulina Helgesson, Anja Hellström, Carl-Johan Lind, Ellen Mattson, Ljubica Miočević, Therese Röök, Ilaria Tedde (ed.), 2004ff.. (Last Accessed: 27.07.2017). Reviewed by Mats Dahlström (University of Borås), mats.dahlstrom (at) and Wout Dillen (University of Antwerp), wout.dillen (at) || Abstract Litteraturbanken (The Swedish Literature Bank) is a freely available digital collection of Swedish literary works, ranging from medieval to contemporary literature. It is the result of a cooperation between literary and linguistic scholars, research libraries, and editorial societies and aca...
Varitext und das Corpus des variétés nationales du français

Varitext und das Corpus des variétés nationales du français

Varitext , Sascha Diwersy, Peter Blumenthal, Salah Mejri (ed.), 2013. (Last Accessed: 15.08.2017). Reviewed by Julia Burkhardt (University of Leipzig), jburk (at) || Abstract This review discusses the web-based platform Varitext that up to now provides free-of-charge access to the Corpus des variétés nationales du français (CoVaNa-FR) and is designed to assimilate further linguistic corpora of other languages in the future. The aim of Varitext is to make available large-scale resources of so-called ‘pluricentric’ languages focussing on the national variations of the respective standard languages. At present French standard variet...
Corpus of Spanish Golden-Age Sonnets

Corpus of Spanish Golden-Age Sonnets

Corpus of Spanish Golden-Age Sonnets , Borja Navarro Colorado, María Ribes Lafoz and Noelia Sánchez (ed.), 2015. (Last Accessed: 01.05.2017). Reviewed by José Calvo Tello (University of Würzburg), jose.calvo (at) || Abstract In this paper a TEI corpus with sonnets from the Spanish Golden-Age is reviewed. Some of the 52 authors represented in the collection are Cervantes, Lope, Quevedo, Tirso, Calderón or Góngora. In total, the corpus contains more than 5000 sonnets. The project is currently under development at the University of Alicante, Spain. One of the strongest aspects of this corpus is the metrical annotation of ea...
Regesta Imperii Online

Regesta Imperii Online

Regesta Imperii online , Deutsche Kommission für die Bearbeitung der Regesta Imperii e.V. (ed.), 2001-2017. (Last Accessed: 12.08.2017). Reviewed by Julian Schulz (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität), julian.schulz (at) || Abstract Regesta Imperii (RI) online is one of the fundamental platforms for medieval research. RI stands for a combination of tradition and innovation. Based on the printed volumes which have been released since the early 19th century up until now, the text collection brings together the traditional arrangement of the research project and the wide range of new possibilities resulting from the digital form of presentation. The l...
Recensione di Spectateurs

Recensione di Spectateurs

Spectateurs (Moralische Wochenschriften) , Klaus-Dieter Ertler, Alexandra Fuchs, Michaela Fischer, Elisabeth Hobisch (ed.), 2011. (Last Accessed: 08.08.2017). Reviewed by Greta Franzini (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), gfranzini (at) || Abstract The Spectateurs (Moralische Wochenschriften) project is collecting eighteenth century periodical essays from the Enlightenment period from different European countries in an effort to build a comprehensive database of this literary genre. The unique selling proposition of the corpus is its multilingualism, in that users can explore the genre across borders and compare the national socio-cultural m...
Review of Electronic Enlightenment Scholarly Edition of Correspondence

Review of Electronic Enlightenment Scholarly Edition of Correspondence

Electronic Enlightenment Scholarly Edition of Correspondence , Robert McNamee, Mark Rogerson (ed.), 2008-2017. (Last Accessed: 19.07.2016). Reviewed by Mark J. Hill (London School of Economics), m.j.hill (at) || Abstract The Electronic Enlightenment Scholarly Edition of Correspondence (EE), under the directorship of Robert McNamee and made available on a subscription basis by Oxford University Press, is a text collection of over 70,000 individual letters (written between participants of the ‘republic of letters’), biographical details of contributors, and additional contextual information. This review offers an overview of the collection (or...
Deutsches Textarchiv

Deutsches Textarchiv

Deutsches Textarchiv , Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ed.), 2017. (Last Accessed: 16.08.2017). Reviewed by Dario Kampkaspar (Herzog August Bibliothek / Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften), dario.kampkaspar (at) || Abstract Owing to its well documented TEI subset and highly accurate transcriptions usually based on the first edition of a text, the German Textarchive (= Deutsches Textarchiv, DTA) is currently one of the best corpora for historical German texts (1600-1900), albeit not necessarily the most extensive. To date (August 2017) it contains around 3260 works. ...
"La Repubblica" Corpus

"La Repubblica" Corpus

"La Repubblica" Corpus , Marco Baroni, Silvia Bernardini, Sara Castagnoli, Federica Comastri, Lorenzo Piccioni, Alessandra Volpi, Guy Aston, Marco Mazzoleni, Eros Zanchetta (ed.), 2004ff.. (Last Accessed: 01.08.2017). Reviewed by Rebecca Sierig (University of Leipzig), rebecca.sierig (at) || Abstract This paper reviews a huge resource of contemporary Italian newspaper language, the «La Repubblica» corpus. The corpus contains articles, which appeared in the Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica during the years 1985 to 2000 and counts more than 380 million tokens. Apart from being tokenized, it is a...
Women Writers in Review

Women Writers in Review

Women Writers in Review , Julia Flanders, Syd Bauman, Ashley Clark, Sarah Connell (ed.), 2016. (Last Accessed: 19.07.2017). Reviewed by Amanda Gagel (Mark Twain Project, UC-Berkeley), mandygagel (at) || Abstract Women Writers in Review is the latest text corpus and digital humanities website to be produced by the Women Writers Project at Northeastern University. It includes over 600 reviews of women’s writing published between 1770 and 1830. The texts are encoded in TEI/XML and the site is easily navigable. It is a significant addition to the scholarship of early women’s writing, but would be greatly enhanced with further exp...