
Managing Editors

You can contact the managing editors at ride-editor (at)


RIDE is published by the Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing (IDE). Issues published to date have been organised by:

Technical realization

RIDE webpage is powered by WordPress, which is administrated by the managing editors. Selected pages are served from an XML database (eXist-db). Reviews in RIDE are encoded in XML/TEI. All article related pages are generated by a series of scripts, which have been created by

  • Bernhard Assmann (XSLT for the reviews and MARC 21-XML export of review metadata)
  • Ulrike Henny-Krahmer (XSLT for reviews and factsheets, TEI schema of the reviews and questionnaires, XSLT for factsheets, Python for PDF version of the reviews, Python for wordclouds, XQuery for charts, OAI-PMH Interface, eXist admin)
  • Frederike Neuber (XSLT for reviews and factsheets, TEI schema of the reviews and questionnaires, conversion and curation of XML data, questionnaire import to limesurvey)
  • Patrick Sahle (XSLT for MARC 21-XML export of review metadata)
  • Torsten Schassan (TEI version of the catalogue of criteria of digital scholarly editions)
  • Martina Scholger (TEI version of the catalogue of criteria for tools and environments, XForms for the questionnaire on tools and environments, TEI schema of the reviews)
  • Philipp Steinkrüger (Server admin)

Assistant Editors

  • Issue 2: Tessa Gengnagel, Markus Schnöpf
  • Issue 3: Tessa Gengnagel
  • Issue 4: Tessa Gengnagel
  • Issue 13: Jana Klinger

Editorial board


RIDE is a peer-reviewed journal. We would like to thank numerous academics around the world for their valuable assessments and contributions. You can find a list of previous peer-reviewers here.

Should you notice any errors, please drop a note to the managing editors.